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About Us

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claims, commercial and customary fisheries, health services including primary mental health and residential care services, local government relationships and resource and environmental management.

Ora Toa PHO is wholly owned by Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Inc (TROTR). It is registered as a charitable entity and is a not for profit organisation. Ora Toa PHO is the only Māori owned and run PHO in the Wellington region. Our mission is to assost the Porirua and wider communities to be aware of health issues, by providing information, options and choices which will e           empower Māori and non-māori to develop and maintain a healthy 

lifestyle. Ora Toa is committed to working within the bounds of Tikanga o Toa Rangatira.

               Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated (the Rūnanga) is a non-                   profit incorporated society with charitable status.

The Rūnanga is the mandated iwi authority for Ngāti Toa Rangatira and is the administrative body of iwi estates and assets. The Rūnanga deals with the political and public issues of national interest such as Treaty of Waitangi

About Ora Toa PHO

  • We have 5 medical centres in the Wellington / Porirua region. You can contact our centres here

  • We offer a range of services at each of these locations

  • If you would like to register with us, to be your main healthcare provider, please either come into the centres, or contact us by phone.

  • For repeat prescriptions call your medical centre (you must have been seen by your GP within the year to request a repeat prescription).

Ora Toa PHO offers a diverse range of services to enable timely and least intrusive access to appropriate care.  All our medical and dental services are very low cost (although our Pōneke practice does not receive VLCA funding) and all our other health services are free.  We operate our own dental service at our Cannons Creek site, targeting under 18 year olds not accessing free dental care.  We run our own free community gym, where our GPs and nurses refer clients.  We run open clinics at our community health service sites where no appointments are needed to ensure flexibility and we can provide transport if required.

We have multi-disciplinary teams within our PHO including community teams (nurses, community health workers), podiatry, dental, physio, medical, nursing, mental health, nutrition/physical activity – gym referrals, midwives on site, hearing van, kaiarahi, outreach immunisations, group education sessions, tamariki ora – wellchild services, cervical and breast screening follow-up.  Our community health team directly supports the practices by providing health education, transport, advocacy and whānau ora services.  They also provide clinical community nursing activities ie. diabetes follow-up.

Te Moemoeā o te Hauora o Ora Toa

Ora Toa PHO is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of communities by providing support and services that are; available, accessible, affordable, coordinated and comprehensive; ensuring continuity of care. 

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