Opening Hours
Monday - Tuesday ------ 8.30am | 5.00pm
Wednesday ------ 8.30am | 5.00pm
Thursday - Friday ------ 8.30am | 5.00pm
Saturday ------ Closed
Sunday ------ Closed
Public Holidays ------ Closed
Ora Toa Health Services

Ora Toa Dental Service can be found at the Ora Toa Cannons Creek Medical Centre, next to the basketball courts on Bedford Street. There is wheelchair access parking directly at the front of the medical centre.

Kaha Toa is a free community gym available to Ngāti Toa Iwi members, Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira Inc. employees and their whānau and Ora Toa patients referred by our Health workers.

Ora Toa Health Unit can be found opposite the Ngāti Toa Rangatira Marae on Ngāti Toa Street.

The Ora Toa Disability Service currently provides 24 hour care from our residential home in Ranui Heights, Porirua.

Ora Toa Tamariki Ora /Wellchild Service can be found in Porirua at the Ora Toa Health Unit and in Wellington at the Ora Toa Pōneke Medical.Centre.

Ora Toa Mauriora is a kaupapa Māori Primary Mental Health and Addictions service. We provide free services to assist and support rangatahi and their whānau.