Opening Hours
Monday - Tuesday ------ 8.30am | 5.00pm
Wednesday ------ 8.30am | 5.00pm
Thursday - Friday ------ 8.30am | 5.00pm
Saturday ------ Closed
Sunday ------ Closed
Public Holidays ------ Closed
Medical Centre Hours
All Medical Centre Hours
Ora Toa Cannons Creek
178 Bedford Street,
Open Monday - Friday
8.30am to 5pm
Closed on public holidays
Ora Toa Takapūwahia
1 Te Hiko Street
Open Monday - Friday
8.30am to 5pm
Closed on public holidays
Ora Toa Mungavin
7 Mungavin Avenue
Open Monday - Friday
8.30am to 5pm
Closed on public holidays
Ora Toa Pōneke
45 Rugby Street
Open Moday - Friday
8.30am to 5pm
Closed on public holidays
Public Holidays
Easter hours:
We will be closed April 10th and 13th.
We will be back to our normal hours from April 14th 2020.
8.30am to 5pm.
If we are closed, the Kenepuru Community Hospital can be located at:
16 Hospital Dr
Phone:04 385 5999
(No appointment required)
Wellington Accident & Urgent Medical Centre can be located at:
17 Adelaide Road
Mt Cook
Phone:04 384 4944
(No appointment required)
Or you can call the Ministry of Health's 24 Hour Healthline for advice on:
0800 611 116
Ora Toa Waitangirua 207 Warspite Avenue, is temporarily closed. All patients can be seen at Ora Toa Cannons Creek 178 Bedford Street.
The Waitangirua Pharmacy is still OPEN 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday